Tucker Carlson, a centerpiece hack of the faux ‘Alt-Light’ hijack, and the flailing boomer-conservative mass media-democracy degeneration?

In Our Democracy™, the “truths” of today are practically rendered as matters of approved fact derived on the increasing mass demand for compelling divisional politics of various social signaling, stigma and disposed deductions accordingly. Technically, that idea is tantamount to that your truths are as good as anybody else, or better, albeit how those truths affords the ideological systemic inklings for power as opposed to it’s proverbial freedoms—“Liberalism”, “Tolerance”, “Diversity”.
This concocted conceptual trifecta ‘lies’ at the feet and very core of the current western democratic adrift totalitarianism, a subsequent ill laden ideological morphology, fundamentally, and literally largely due to a flawed recognition of vaunted universal values as an utilitarian discordant, which consequently dovetails into what is dubbed as the outright “Neo Fascism” prevailing in the withering of westernized politics.
This overall polarizing concept additionally disseminate the all encompassing dogma of “equality”, which furthers and lends well to the very idea and legitimacy of indefinitely expanding democracy, and with it, a perpetually granted proportionality of “positive” state powers, an idea quite contrary to say the original ‘anti-autocratic’ American constitutional enterprise.
The possible main theoretical take away and physical comparison from this abstract context, is that no boundless system, or concept of any kind, is consistently appropriate to sufficiently self-contain itself through it’s supposed free subjects of different (social) charges, but rather, inversely, either inevitably inflate or collapse by and in it’s own flawed footprint.
It’s evidently only a matter of what we refer to as “time”, and it’s very application of conjectural pressures.
Conceptually adrift and doomed
Evidently, so called political “conservatism” is an apt conceptual corollary of such an arguably going ‘out-of-order system’, which is also why it contentiously fails to even conserve the slightest of essences, but meanwhile at it’s peak pursuance, merely ideologically inflates and obliquely innervate the momentum of veiling left wing illusions to the point where such eventually permeate every single facet of raving populism; an etheriality that physically dissipates into the more tangible designation and legislative legitimacy for the theatricality of “More democracy!” as the effervescent panacea for every predicament plausibly practical as political premises fed to the machine.
Every nascent fractal of such system sanctioned, factual egalitarian “truth” once conceived, is certain to be endemically endorsed by even the most boundless collectives to further indulge and intellectually infer it’s own theory and obscure repository of supposed facts onto it’s next, even as a mere figment of the political paradigm’s absolute abstract power and sacrosanct self-legitimacy.
This includes and often manifest the ‘extreme essentials’, which is the many epithets and effective stratagems of relatively rapacious relays of all available extant polarity of the political “system”. For instance, the regressive, theoretical reductionist and guilt ridden views of “Woke” politics, who’s only intent is to both distract and detract from the fact that the system is fundamentally failing.
But it is necessarily so, that one can’t expect to logically “include” while circumventing the systems own politically induced polarities without incident, but moreover, as a politician or media personality, promptly play into the narratives that are most politically malleable in general, and that to rather opting for rational reasoning, put these to the test through the corporate narrative machine of an ebbing mass media, or, let them ‘organically’ grow into massive disproportion, proprietary and intellectually indubitable to an atomizing social media reality of the so called “information age”, which is more bestowed upon for the degree it actualize and disburse disinformation.
The abuse of such processes, in and of itself, is perhaps not what habitually ever defined “democracy”, or even embody the great idea of “Us/Them” as we are told, however, it’s effectively ever more so the actual truth of the system functionalism, which is a rather reprehensible reality of modern politics, especially so concerning the concept of coextensive democracy, that is, “egalitarian diversity”, even if one considered things through the malaise of say an objectivist, and not to mention the supposed unbiased scope of the said “journalist” out there, if any such thing is still around anymore.
This democratic pseudo-expediency and practical outlook of it’s pertained politics, are naturally and constantly at potential great odds with reality itself. In this very sense, and by this very fundamental function of “truth”, through an increasingly diverse dynamic of social mechanisms, democracy and it’s “marketplace of ideas” as an intellectual institution, becomes, in full, the allures in a self-projected ‘space’—a type of intellectual «safe space» with no real bearings or clear course, filled with the affine and amenable make believes of the average Johnny Come Lately’s discernment. Confusion is the end product.
These mass illusions and delusions are accentuated by the media agendas, personas, and structural schema. In as such, and in so far that almost any issue that now possibly can be systematically prompted and promoted in that regard, irresistibly fails to capture even the slightest of reality and utility besides the very ripeness of it’s solipsistic relevancy, atomization, and potential mass manipulation by an almost perfect projection and passivization, almost utterly confined within the mass media’s technical and mental paradigms.
Overton control and intellectual numbing
The mass media, all too basically similarly to democracy for contrast, competes for eyes, ears and “ass in seats”. Even so, most of the mass media’s productions is not itself “democratic” by design, but utterly curated and controlled by “corporations”, or otherwise and elsewhere often run by the state itself.
So, there is obviously no true “unbiased” media or “objective” journalism. And the co-opted corporation complex of mass media also makes sure that there is next to no differentiation, that is, “diversity”, of either opinion or information.
Now, enter Tucker Carlson, the “state street” white shoe boy media darling, formerly on Fox with the prime time show “Today/Tonight with Tucker Carlson», a programming which seemingly sought to position itself as the centerpiece of information body for the umbrella demographic “conservative”, however, now apparently ousted and migrated to Twitter X, seemingly out of the reins of the less-than-radical “right” which supposedly ought to make him more or less “unbiased” and perhaps even “objective”?
While Carlson’s main target demographic at Fox was of the exceedingly withering median age of 66 year old boomer crowd. His new “independent” outlook, now hosted and streamed on X, probably faces a younger and potentially different audience. However, Carlson’s approach and appeal, ever so utterly expedient to the democratic receptiveness of demagoguery and qualitatively only self-substantiated by the repellent, reactionary rationalizations regularly exercised the “left”, in my view, won’t necessarily change at all as per it’s conventional lull’s and lapses; The inherent intellectual lapses and timely latency and it’s fundamental incidental laziness thereof is bound to continue, even though the theoretical pace and reality in the media complex supposedly quickens proportionally to its user base and engagement as per the network effects.

The bottom line is, that there will be no media evolution, nor revolution of the “system” to speak of, mainly due the idiosyncratic trivialization prompt and promoted by endemic Neo-fascism, which is the way of the system. The ways of democracy congruent to the current media-utility, are entirely insufficient, punch drunk and late to the punch in order to land a blow to virtually anything actually critical to the core, but only in the nebulous periphery of contemporary “politics”.

The two main drivers of modern mass democratic discourse, and thereupon, “Neo Fascism”, are predominantly sensationalism and idealism. This is practically diametrically opposed to most of any much needed corroborated journalistic professionalism. Sensationalism always entails at least some demanding superficiality, and ideological idealism inevitably involves active anti-intellectualism, both of which “shows” like Tucker Carlson exudes by, albeit distorted to many, because it is conceived as conducive to the very “sovereign”, christian and “conservative” public crowd which is generally asserts itself to. All too similarly to how the “Left” captivate and capitalize on the dis-regulated mass of diversified self hating, neo bourgeois atheists.
“Conspiracy” collides with “conservatism”
The same technicalities of intellectual degeneracy cordially concerns Tucker Carlson’s latest installment and interview of banned “Conspiracy Theorist”, Alex Jones; there dubbed as both the “Worlds most banned/dangerous man”, even though Jones arguably grew bigger as a direct result of his permanent ban from social media. Now with hundreds of affiliates on radio and some on TV, the happening that was the “deplatforming” of Alex Jones, was effectively very beneficial indeed. The same could be contested regarding his recent battles in state courts regarding the alleged FEMA drill at “Sandy Hoax”, where Jones proudly now can add on the tag of “Billion dollar man”, or more like 85 million..all of a sudden, the propaganda number went from something quite somber to something very sober.
Alex Jones, like Tucker Carlson, and now united and the former back on X, are both generally quite alluded to as “truth seekers” and champions of the “conservative” right. And their recent get-together, the feelgood interview of Jones by Carlson on his X show, really epitomize the plight of how democracy and popularizing-polarizing mass media figures synthetically and effectively self-exercise their own relevancy through their specific programming and truly exert power over their passivized viewers. At this point, it’s almost like it’s a postulate of truth to be featured on Tucker Carlson, and that’s why everyone goes there. However, what really gives?
Carlson went on to almost glorify the now former “extremist” “cook” and “conspiracy theorist” Jones’ accolades, including his many “dead on predictions”, as well as several out of context claims, whereby both as statements are in fact, high and wide, clock at a rather low accuracy rate if one actually investigates their veracity in that regard. But of course, the likes of Carlson doesn’t really bother. He is head over heels of having to bolster someone as “based” as Alex Jones on his new show, in his roomy fake log cabin, but always putting on his signature “serious and profound face” for extra caution.
In reality, that is besides behind both the scenes and the inner mental makings of mass media personalities and corporate programmings, a highly degenerative, democratic anti-intellectual interplay is at work.
In the case of Carlson and his facsimiles, the overall purpose is to stave off, and intermittently give off the impression that the political, “conservative” discord is actually and forcefully progressing somewhere, however the sheer “newsworthy” suspense and timely suspension of certain contentious issues available, compelling as they might be, these items are carefully dispensed through many a considerations and adjurations, including the democratic diversified filter mechanisms that regularly renders the subject and the matters either useless or harmless, because it’s either too late, too irrelevant, or simply too dumb to be ethereally efficacious anymore.
Tucker Carlson only caters to boomers anyway, who arguably are averse to nothing but some type of overt authority. And nobody is more anti-rebellious than the boomer generation today. The pseudo science and the literature of psychology are littered with rich and descriptive complexes of the question why that is. Same with the political polls of Europe, where boomers vote for viscous tyrants so they can keep their pensions, as was the last case in France.
For example, and in the latest case of Alex Jones, the “most dangerous man alive”—Why wasn’t this a huge thing and a great media happening when Jones actually was deplatformed, and not many years later?
Arguably, if the controlled opposition of Alex Jones indeed was so dangerous to the system, it would be at it’s most principally and critical at the very time he was banned, and not many years later after Jones and was dragged through and systematically discredited in court, or was this also perhaps part of the programming?
What about “Tucker’s” segment on Gonzalo Lira? Another activist and conveniently labeled “conspiracy theorist” in connection to the “Ukrainian democracy” debacle—Why was there no such media outrage and cover after Lira himself pleaded his desperation on X at the Ukraine border before his capture and imprisonment? Much of the same goes for the case of “J6”, which arguably was some type of fabricated charade with accordingly media “coverage”, where Carlson, The man of the “people”, exclusively on his show, “leaked” previously public and live video recordings from inside the Capitol, to the great cheer of the crowd as for him being the ultimate secular soothsayer and truth seeker.
Is it really another coincidence that stories like this are made “public” at the most convenient time for the “system”, arguably activated to the public’s gumption and consumption by hacks and system medias? In the case of Lira, in the very wake of Congressional workings of whether sending more money to Ukraine or not.
Obviously, these simple cases demonstrate that it’s all about buying time and building a common trust through certain media personalities and “plurality” of outlets. Still, the timing and style of these presentations couldn’t really be more telling, and this is a tendency that goes across the board, and in every setting privy to the medias own discretion.
In my opinion, Tucker Carlson’s programmings have never, ever been in the loop of things, but mostly very late, and very vaguely at it’s very “best” of “journalism”. Yet, he is lauded for his “sharpness”, “courage” and aptitude. C’mon, man..
Mass media-utility and democracy demagoguery
This charade perpetrated by these media character, either cynical or convenient, at least demonstrates how democratic demagoguery is put into full effect, and practically, how seemingly “controversial” topics finally is accepted to enter the political “reality” and mental consciousness of most people by a certain mental moderation and modulation to boot.
The predicable tweaks of the topicality in it’s very particularity, literally usually in terms of a mass utilitarian beneficial “spin”, which often at best only obscures the issue at hand and compromises the core of the original message in order to be maximally congruent with the aforementioned “ill laden ideological morphology” in order to be receptive and «politically» palatable to the viewers.
This type of basic media demagoguery, and how a very few media representatives effectively plays, or are given the sole role as proprietors of «truth», as “intellectual” clearing houses for the masses, is arguably highly degenerative and persuasively dishonest by it’s very ancient approach, but generates income. But it’s appeal is an affront to, and abuse of the critical mind and political soundness. Few have a problem with these structures, especially the boomer crowd of “conservatives”, who has failed in politics for decades, and as a group, largely is composed by born again “radicals” from the 60s and 70s.
The sweeping inadequacy of this pseudo-intellectual, self-sufficient, popularizing-polarizing expedient mass media reality, and the very necessity of it thereof, is by actual design and by it’s very virtues, indeed wrought with blatant falsehoods, seemingly stupefying simplifications, all to convenient timing and cognitive misrepresentations when combined, almost in an eerily effective way that it’s just politically ineffectual enough for things to more or less continue as they were.
It’s a “lag”, a latency and an expense to the discord and discernment of progressive debate for the sake of convenient programming. A deliberate ploy of delay and numbing of the mind, the enabling of intuitive inaction and corresponding activation of by-standing low I.Q and silly “truthers” to fill in the many obvious blanks with their gullible nonsense and destitute deductions that lead even more people way astray from what is essential, and thus potentially fruitful debate.
These people, like Alex Jones—a notorious side stepping media mogul in his own right, and by his own very popular reach, is free in masquerading as a champion of truth while claiming banalities as to «Fight with the American people against the Globalist and evil!» on behalf of «Team Humanity» Sounds so «dangerous», right? Yes, what a great threat to the «globalist system» indeed.
Who and what these evils are, is indeed predictably obfuscated by fake snake oil personalities like Jones, Musk and Carlson, necessarily so to keep their charade going and the money flowing. They are adapters, usually to what is mostly convenient, and that’s what got them to the “top” to begin with.
And no great ‘revolution’, which many of these characters on a daily basis pry and preach about, ever started from the top.
Attent your eyes, mind and beware the illusion and allures of the instrumental mockingbird “alt media” and it’s “conservatives”.

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